Grants, Awards and Funding
Research Grants
2020 -2023: Research Grant and Funding from the Research Council of Norway for “Riverine Rights.” as part of the FRIOPO Project Scheme (NOK 1.5 Million NOK)
Institution: Department of Development Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo (Norway)
The Research Council of Norway’s Postdoctoral fellowships are intended to give highly qualified PhDs the opportunity to further qualify for academic positions. These positions are often attached to a project and covers a salary, in addition, to qualification for the application of mobility grant.
2022: Nordic Centre in India, “Academic Activities Collaborations Grant” (40000 NOK)
The funding was awarded to host an academic collaboration between my home institution in Oslo and India. The key objective of this grant is for a wide range of academic activities, preferably joint proposals involving at least two NCI member universities along with at least one Indian higher education and research institution. Activities could include research projects, conferences, workshops, networking activities, as well as support for travel. Collaboration and innovation possibilities would be the primary criteria for assessing the application. This, along with the heft of the project description, its feasibility, the academic credentials of the applicants, the potential for long-term Indo-Nordic cooperation alongside the advancement of knowledge in the area of study, and alignment to NCI’s larger objectives related to Indo- Nordic cooperation and visibility of the same would also be considered.
2021: The Norwegian Network for Asian Studies, University of Oslo (25,000 NOK)
The “Academic Collaboration” grant was awarded towards realising the potential of exchange and dialogue between partnering institutions in Oslo and India. I used the grant to host a two-day workshop on “Covid and its impact on marginalised communities in India” with Dr Afreen Gani at the LP University in Jaipur, India. A key output of this closed workshop will emerge as the edited volume that I am editing for the Routledge Press.
2022: ‘Research Stays Abroad’ Fund from The Research Council of Norway (10,0000 NOK)
The objective of the scheme is to increase the number of younger researchers who conduct a research stay abroad. International experience is important in building a career as a researcher. It helps to strengthen Norwegian research by increasing expertise and bringing new knowledge to projects. It expands networks and thereby provides Norwegian research with greater opportunity to access the international research front.
2020 - 2021: Awarded the “Fritz Thyssen Foundation” Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. (Declined)
Institution: Department of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Postdoc stipends from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation are an instrument used to support highly qualified individual junior scholars with doctoral degrees in a research project for a limited period of time.
Scholarships and Fellowships
2019: Writing up thesis Award from Yusuf Ali fund, University of London (£7000)
2019: Conference Fund, Institute of Commonwealth, University of London (£200)
2018: Dame Lillian Penson Memorial Fund (fieldwork) from the ICwS, University of London (£500)
2018: Stefanie International Travel Bursary Award from the University of London (£500)
2017: Louise Arbour PhD Studentship from the School of Advanced Study, University of London (£23,000)
2017/18/19: The Yusuf Ali Scholarship, University of London (£23,000)
Honors and Awards
2014: Ranked among top 5% in Masters (MA)
2010-2012: Consecutive College Topper Award for B.A. Political Science, University of Delhi
2012: Awarded as the Best Student of Political Science in the college, University of Delhi
2010: University Topper Award (ranked 2nd at the University of Delhi)
2009: Highest Score (0.1%) of Political Science in 12th CBSE at National level (Senior Secondary)